1. Dank jullie wel, thank you both for your beautiful videos, almost every day I am starting or ending with one of your videos….You are both really talented and full of passion for a healthy lifestyle… thanks…x

  2. Loved this one thank you dear, I can finally do this one being 6 months pregnant, I had to stop doing most of your workouts because of pregnancy, but I will start doing them daily again after birth Inn'sha'allah

  3. Thank you guys for everything you've been done so far ! And thank you Juliana for your beautiful heart and intentions 🙂 This video became one of my favorites immediately, it's calming,stretching and working the muscles at the same time. You're affecting so manty people's lifes in a very constructive way and mine is one of them. Hope to meet you someday 🙂

  4. Very soothing, and a nice intro talking about patience. It is very motivating, a good reminder of what yoga can do for us. I love the music, background, and creative sequences. Thank you!

  5. This video was so perfect, it's the first time I've been on a matt in months and part of the reason is I'm not patient, I set the bar too high and then get discouraged but I'm motivated to keep up with my practice this week!

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