1. Imagine how annoying this would be if all passengers wanted to flail about and do yoga on the plane, simultaneously? Because you know, "she's just doing what doctor,s recommend" And what if the plane hits unexpected turbulence while she's in the midst of one of her ridiculous transitions? Where's the safety for other passengers as she's tossed about?

  2. This girl is so sweet and life has been cruel to her. She was going to school, getting jobs and trying all she could. Even though her job was yoga and someone ran into her with their car, totaled her car and caused her damage. Just weeks after that she and her dog were attacked by a feral dog who furthered her injuries. She is NOT interested in the kind of attention you are talking about. Maybe she needs to stretch because of night wounds, or the strain where she was flung in her car. She does everything she can for others and doesn’t deserve this hate SO STOP

  3. 2 words…totally inappropriate.
    Sadly a lot of young people ( and still some older ones as well) nowadays have no clue how to behave in public places. Restaurants, planes, tourist places….I certainly have seen my fair share of inappropriate behavior.

  4. I've been on cramped 13 hour flights to China where I found a spot where I flexed and stretched to the best of my ability too. I get it 100%. Beyond that, long flights put people at risk for DVT, and getting up to move and flex reduces the risk.

  5. Heck I do this all the time on flights but not getting on the floor since it is so dirty. No one complained about me. I've done the forward fold and upper body stretches and triangle pose on the plane. And I wasn't wearing yoga pants, just jeans.

  6. If I was sitting on that plane I would've joined by doing a little body movement too. Im sure most of you would have more of a problem with a non-stop crying baby verses a quick yoga stretch. Everyone has an opinion but I dont get how anyones feathers could get so ruffled over this ??

  7. I know the woman that did this. She is one of the sweetest, kindest, and most beautiful (personality and looks) people I have ever met. You are an amazing person. Sending love and positive vibes your way. Some of the negative people here need more positivity in their life. If you guys met her in person, your opinion of her would change dramatically. She is compassionate, super nice, and non-judgemental to everyone around her. You negative folks should learn from her ways.

  8. Because she's a woman, she can get away with it. If a man was doing yoga stretches, or weightlifting stretches or poses in the aisle, no one would support him. The plane would immediately land, and he would be taken off in handcuffs.

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