1. loved this! Did it today, am just getting over a shoulder/back injury and flu, so its been a while since doing exercise. Used this as a pre-workout stretch as a new beginning! Thanks!

  2. It’s been a year and half since I found out your channel. Every time I click in one of your videos I felt like I enter the brighter and calmer side of the world. They are nourishing for the soul. Thank you so much for all the effort. We love you!

  3. Hello Adriene, just started yesterday and already can feel the difference. I do believe mind have such power and control in our body. I'm doing in real time but will practice on my own as well to concentrate better. Thanks for teaching me. You rock.

  4. Just came to this video after having started the 30 Day Challenge late from 8th January. Caught up with today's episode this morning. My yoga career thus far has consisted of this 30 day challange and a couple of yoga classes previous to that. I'm absolutely hooked on yoga now. It's a powerful self help tool. This morning Adriene I did your Fearless workout and that's exactly how I acted throughout the day – fearlessly, which meant that I was much more productive today.  It doesn't feel like a chore to wake to yoga every day as I had initially conceived. It's nice to have some quiet time for sure.

  5. Really wasn't expecting too much more than a physical relief ( I just wanted a quicker stretch to relax atm) but she said everything I needed to hear and brought me to tears by the end ? thank you so much for these videos ?

  6. Thank you Adriene. Thank you for being an excellent guide on my yogic journey. I am beginning to sink into my practice and enjoy its sweet fruits. And thank you for all your reminders. Life is good! So blessed, so grateful!! <3

  7. Ah it feels good to get back to yoga! I was sick and had to avoid it so I wouldn't get hurt qq… a yoga for sickness springs to mind! Happy New Year, and here's to another year of great yoga~

  8. “An opportunity to circle back” take it often. If there is one thing I have learned from you Adriene is how to embrace the beginning, the beginner and the beginners mind. Thank you

  9. I just want to say thank you Adriene. I have been watching and joining you in your yoga for a few years now and you have kept me moving when I was at times too unwell to go out into the community for yoga. I always feel better after doing one of your practices. So much appreciation for you doing this on this platform that is accessible for all and from almost anywhere and continuing to make practices that someone at any level can enjoy and get something from. Your attitude is always charming and your energy a blessing. Hope you are having an extremely happy New Year.

  10. i am wondering why i couldn't get an answer after a week concerning the low launches and lower back pain, really can't believe i am the only one struggling with this in adrienne' s classes…

  11. I had stopped doing yoga because I kept getting injured (many niggly physical stuff). Andriene is amazing. I feel so much better, always offering the easiest poses first and then get deeper if you can. And I really appreciate the talk about mindfulness. Thanks.

  12. Hey there, i have a question thats kind of bugging me. Whenever i do, example extended childs pose, my left shoulder hurts. It seams to get a little bit better when i keep up the practice for a while. Should I try to build more muscle in the shoulder or just avoid that particular pose ?

  13. Hi Adrian thank you for your videos. I've become terribly depressed since finishing college and am holding out hope that I can make things better this year. Your themes for yoga routines are really timely and thoughtful and I hope this'll help me get a good start.

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