1. I don't think it's a good video for you if you have knee pain – too much strain on your knees. I had to stop halfway because my knees were hurting like hell, don't do it to yourself guys

  2. Too fast and doesn't explain or say when changing positions. Considering this is for knee's there was a lot of kneeling positions that actually hurt my knees.

  3. My aunt has been suffering from low back pain when she gets up in the morning. Since I`ve provided this lower back pain guideline, "fetching loni" (Google it) to my aunt, her ordeal is gone. She is really pleased with the guidebook..

  4. I really wanted this to be a good video. But she doesn't give any real instruction until she's halfway through a pose, and for a beginner who doesn't want to strain her neck to see the screen (or watch the video 5 times and memorize it before doing it), it wasn't all that helpful, unfortunately. This would all be remedied with a simple re-do of the voiceover. I thought the poses themselves looked great; I just had a REALLY hard time following along.

  5. Thank you for this video! These are all the movements i do in Yoga, and the ones i was looking for to do on my own. I have SI joint problems, that affect, my hips, and lower back, and I have knee problems, Yoga has helped my lower back problem, but my hips, and knees will sometimes hurt, due to some of the poses they do at yoga, which are more of the hard ones. I'm going to try and do these, with meditation, before and after, with other stretches i learn at Physical Therapy. So happy I found this Video! Thank You!!

  6. I'm recovering from a torn maniscus and have been having trouble finding safe yoga, so the rest of my body doesn't suffer and weaken. It has been a few weeks and the pain has eased but it's not gone. I was wondering if the last half of the video would be too much?

  7. I am a dancer – on the studio floor it has compressed my knees over the years but not to the point where I feel pain, will doing this exercise daily restore my knees back to their original vitality?

  8. Wouldn't it be helpful to start with some kind of warm up? I'm 52 and although pretty flexible, I've suffered from lyme disease and my regular yoga practice is no longer the same. i noticed, now that i have two bulging disks and some significant hip pain, that it's even harder to do the yoga stretches without some kind of warmup. much gratitude Sheri

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