1. I am brand new to yoga. I am in my fifties, have weak and painful joints due to arthritis, back pain, zero flexibility, and I need to lose weight. I know that besides changing my diet, I need to exercise. However exercise has not been successful due to being so weak I become discouraged and quit. I want to thank you Jen for your videos. I have much to learn, yet your tips and gentle encouragement make me feel like I will be successful, this time round. Thank-you!

  2. It's raining here today in Florida. It's so cold it might snow a bit this week! I have begun doing Yoga with your videos 5 days ago. I have done one everyday. Today I am going to do two. This past summer I went through 6 months of chemo. Recently told I am in remission. My body tells me that I am well. I am healed and healthy. I believe what my body says. I am eating healthier than ever and making sure I move and stretch everyday. Thank you for your work. It's helping to improve my life.

  3. I have been looking for a teacher that resonates with my whole body. I love your voice, music, slowness. I have had many surgeries and injuries and I’m 61. These videos work perfect for me. Thank you so much. ?

  4. Are you want that your muscle attaches to the vertebrae of the lower spine, moves through the pelvis and connects to a tendon at the top of the femur. [Check Details Here==>bit.ly/-painfixc ].  It also attaches to the diaphragm, so it’s connected to your breathing, and upon it sits all the major organs.

  5. Hello There! I just found and started watching these videos. I really like them and appreciate the clarity of guided instruction. And the pace is just right for me as I'm getting back in touch with my body. Thanks for producing these videos.

  6. Love you guys! I've been adding yoga every morning to my routine. Especially before work since it's very sedentary. My muscles have really become tight and stiff overtime. The videos really really help! Especially when you guys encourage us and talk through the stretches with us. I always feel great afterwards and I always look forward to it again the next day! THANK YOU!! (:

  7. Thank you Jen, I recently started following different yoga videos as a beginner. As someone with lower back issues and more pain than I care do bare, your gentle soothing voice, floor work, and explanation of each slow stretch is just what I need. I can't wait to see more and see what else you have to offer.

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