1. Sadhana.

    Today, when you can find stillness, allow the breath to move you.

    Lean in and learn.
    Learn to love and recall…
    You are made of love.
    Take comfort!

    PS: Wondering what we shall do after Day 30? I got you! We will have a free February yoga calendar for us all to follow along with. We will stick to our practice and connect – which will bring more energy and joy into your days! Let's keep going! x

  2. Wow this was a tough one for me.. I couldn't hold most poses for long without falling left, right and center. This is something I need to come back to again and do better. Namaste Adriene, thank you.

  3. So ironic that you mentioned headaches. Woke up with a sinus migraine, hoping my yoga practice would help it subside, or atleast distract me from it- which it did?. Always grateful to my practice and to you for sharing your knowledge??

  4. I have got to know… what kind of yoga mat do you use???! I’m on the market looking for a new one because my two have gotten way too much use and have started falling apart! Much love and thank you for these videos my best friend and I have followed them all the way we have 4 more days and then we are going to repeat your revolution series from last year!! You inspire me!! ✨???‍♀️☯️❤️

  5. I’m embracing been still when all around me is loud , loved today’s yoga session I really feel that my body feeds off my breath & im so looking forward to keep up with meeting my mat daily x loved seeing Benji today your a True blessing x

  6. Wow this was so amazing! I had such a busy bad day, and at first was annoyed and bitching at my computer whilst doing this. But then when we the lizard pose came, I found such an amazing balance from within, I couldn't believe I could keep a pose for that long and felt like I was floating or something, crazy! My downward dogs are starting to feel better too!

  7. I know I'm behind on TRUE, but you stop me from being harsh on myself for falling behind, instead, you encourage us all to get back on the mat eventually, to come back to our practice and to be okay with the time missed. Thank you for calling it a 30 day yoga challenge and not a 30 consecutive day yoga challenge.Thank you for everything.

  8. Thanks Adriene. I feel a lot better now. I had a stressful week, so I wasn't able to finish this journey on time. But this practise made me realise again, how important it is for me to commit to regular yoga, selflove, me time, being still and observing for a moment. Thank you so much. ❤

  9. Breakthrough today!!! I have NEVER been able to execute the plank or down dog to lunge in one move.I always end up getting 3/4 of the way there and then having to hoist it into the right position. Today, I realized I'm now strong/agile enough to tent up on my fingers to give me enough lift to finally go into a lunge on one move!

  10. I don't know if it's the practice itself, if it's the words you use, if it's taking time for myself that makes me uncover many emotions, but this is the second day in a row that I end the practice with tears coming out of my eyes. And it's the third practice during this challenge that this has happened to me. Letting go feels amzingly exciting. ???

  11. hahaha, i have a cold. treating with one nostril and the the other sounds like i'm deflating a balloon while pulling the opening taught! Soooo maybe I'll have to come back to this another day. it's totally not working for me.

  12. Its been I think 3 days since I've written a comment, however your always in mind,heart, and spirit. ive enjoyed these practices oh so very muchhhhh. Today I awoke a little late and and with a headache. I am so grateful for this practice my head has a alleviated i agree yoga is amazing .

  13. 4 days behind but enjoyed every minute of today’s practice. Really loving and relishing in this journey. Thanks for another 30 days of positivity and light. And I even got my husband to join this time!! ??

  14. I've started a couple of the days in this series with a headache, and by the time I was done, it was gone! Not saying yoga is always a miracle cure, but I do know now that my headaches don't have to prevent me exercising.

  15. Needed this one today but WOW it was hard to be still in those lizard poses!! I still have some muscle tension to work out but I'm proud of my progress so far. Feeling much more tuned in to myself and getting stronger everyday. Thank you Adriene!

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