1. I loved this short and sweet stretch! I've been looking for something short to try to do every day since I don't always have time to do 45-60 minutes of yoga. This hit the nail on the head. Love how you talk through all of the stretches so people clearly understand how to do them. Will be checking out more of your stuff!

  2. I've been doing this twice a day every other day, and on off days I'm doing Fitness Blender's Relaxing Cool. I start with a 5 minute cardio warm-up. and then do the routines.

    I chose this one specifically because it's 15 minutes and that's how long I've committed to stretch for twice a day for this month.

    Today (Day 6) I found I had huge breakthroughs. Certain postures which felt arduous were really much easier, and I could bring my head to my knee… which I don't remember ever doing. No pain, no pushing, just my body settling more deeply than before. Really encouraging.

    Thanks for the video.


  3. Thank you so much! This was a nice restorative yoga stretch. It was perfect to release tension in the whole body. After a long work day, and before going to bed or after working out…thank you Jessica, you might not know me, but you have my gratitude for inspiring me to be healthier and move my body. Thankful for you.

  4. Thanks Jessica! This was exactly what I was looking for following a cardio/ab workout. I will certainly look to more of your videos to increase my flexibility. Great video. Ps. I love Peanut!!

  5. Thank you so much for the stretch! Are usually do your butt, abs, and thighs, workout at this video was a great precursor warm up! Thank you so much for your chill vibes and your warm instructions!!

  6. excellent! As a more 'mature' woman 😉 with less flexibility ,this was something I could achieve without feeling 'defeated' as in many other so called 'easy' videos. 🙂 Thank you for this wonderful routine! … and little Peanut is adorable

  7. What a wonderful video! Thank you so much! I feel SOO much better! Definitely will come back to this one! And it was such a lovely atmosphere and it just made me really happy to workout with you!:)

  8. Really liked this short stretching routine today. Short but it stretched out all my hiking muscles and my upper body too which I think needed it more than my calves and thighs. See you tomorrow for another workout.

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