1. Can't meditate deep enough. "…know thou that the True One possesseth invisible worlds which human meditation is unable to comprehend and the intellect of man hath no power to imagine. When thou wilt purify and clarify thy spiritual nostrils from every worldly moisture, then thou wilt inhale the holy fragrances diffusing from the merciful gardens of these worlds." ~ Bahá'í World Faith

    I recently had a 2 brain surgeries I had a seizure at my job first time having that …. I'm soooooo heartbroken …. But I keep telling myself imma get through this …one day at a time ?… I just pray to God I get better ???

  3. The universe is a simulation. It's all code in binary. Closed strings are 0s and open strings are 1s. The brain uses quantum tunneling to read and write data instantaneously. With meditation you can control your thoughts to think of nothing but 1 thing and study everything around that 1 thing that happens in the brain. Moment you can touch and feel the movement of digital data, you realize you are binary data yourself and you can control everything in this universe. But still what's the real purpose of existence? I mean what's the purpose of the creator of this simulation even if the purpose of this simulation is just to study how AIs can contact their creators?

  4. I also have a deep, meaningful comment about this video that I will be sharing once I remember why I was typing this. Trigger words: therapeutic, massage, Asian things.

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