1. I’m 37 weeks and I loved this meditation session. My first time doing it my whole pregnancy and I felt great. After a long day of stress I made myself do it and I am proud of how I feel.

    The message my baby gave me was to be conscious of the way I allow myself to feel and to be more positive in my daily life with the ones I love, to have more patience and practice it now before she comes into the world!

  2. 36 weeks with first child. She told me to not be scared and to let time for myself and to stop worrying. She started rolling around like crazy like she was hugging me. It was amazing and made me tear up a bit. I am going to continue this meditation until she arrives. Thank you so much <3

  3. I'm currently 29 weeks with my first baby. I loved this meditation! When you talked about opening up the line of communication I was skeptical, and I'm still not sure if it was just a coincidence, but I did my best to follow your instructions, and baby girl began wiggling and kicking like crazy! I'm not sure she told me anything, but I loved having that extra sense of connection. ? I'm looking forward to checking out your other videos!

  4. I loved this. I am 18 weeks expecting my 4th but I have only discovered prenatal yoga with these last two pregnancies and am so happy I did. I am also a yoga teacher and teach a lot of prenatal, and feel like I have every prenatal video out there. I have really appreciated your perspective on prenatal yoga and the childbirth prep element that you bring to each one! Thank you! You must be so close to delivery! I can't wait to hear how it goes for you!!! Amber

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