1. With Meghan on the scene wouldn't be surprise if yoga becomes the next popular lifestyle practice.
    In the 1960's and 1970's it was very popular. Remember the Beatles and George Harrison popular song "My sweet Lord,Hare Krishna,Hare Rama?" It was the height of the Hare Krishna movement and the search for peace and love and spirituality. Many youths and young adults look to India the home of Hinduism and its teachings. Many youths of that era went to India and stayed in the Ashrams that crisscrossed India. They submerged themselves in Hinduism.
    As a youth I was steeped in it and it did wonders for me who had epileptic seizures at that time. I don't suffer from that ailment any longer. Now I am mature in age I am going to revisit it. It's fun. It's quite a healthy practice.

  2. Yoga is very beneficial and I am from the Caribbean. As a youth I did it for health reasons. The yogi also had me change my diet. He termed it living food. None of my meals were cooked. All my vegetables were eaten raw with a drizzle of honey. I ate raw nuts and chick peas as well not forgetting lots of fruits and coconut water straight from the shell of the coconut. It was strictly a vegetarian diet. Along with a lot of meditation and breathing exercise.
    It did wonders and I must state that I was able to excell at school and nothing that were challenging phased me then. My temperament was super mellow no anxiety or anger spells.
    I am planning to revisit yoga and all that I had done with it during my youth. It was the most healthy period of my life. It's a holistic approach.

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