1. Thankyou so much I woke up at 4:00 am due to so much back pain and I searched on youtube and I got this amazing video and just after doing this I feel so relaxed now and my pain is gone.Time to sleep again

  2. I have total weakness I collapse in to my self, can not stand up straight, if I carry. bottle ,1qt. of milk. my back is so weak. I have a slipped disk#7 thurasic. how can I fix?

  3. I was burning pretty bad, came across this video… OMGosh! I just did it with you this once…. Pain still, but the hard burn is gone!! This is definitely a keeper! Thank you!!

  4. This exercise worked SO well. I spent about 10 minutes doing the stretches and my back, scapula and lower back felt so good. Heard so many crackling and popping sounds. I will be doing these exercises on a daily basis. Thank you!!!

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