1. Ok… I've read most the comments here and for those who say this isn't a beginners video. Her friend in the back is showing alternatives to her advance stretching for one. And for two you hold a stretch too long and you can injure yourself. I'm 25 border line obese and can hardly bend forward to touch my toes. I have no flexibility whatsoever. I was doing these stretches in high school. And I graduated in 2011. I have an achy back and bad knees and my hips aren't that great either and I'm still able to follow along and do every stretch. So for those who say you can't do these stretches, if you can't do these then you can't do a workout properly either. So unless you're wheelchair bound or bed ridden quit complaining and do the best you can. She even tells you if you can't reach the floor or your toes grab a little higher up. With practice and perseverance you'll be able to do these in your sleep. And eventually be flexible enough to touch your toes. And do the splits. Just because you think it didn't workout the first time doesn't mean you won't be able to do it if you keep at it. If you go to do a bench press, you can't automatically do 500 lbs on the first day. That's suicidal. You have to work up to it.

    I loved these 2 videos and i plan to do them before and after my workouts every time. I feel great.

  2. Please practice better explanations for people who are not looking at the screen as you change or are not familiar with some terms. "Like this" or "the other way" or "right here" are not very helpful for beginners.

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