1. Thank you Tim for giving detailed instructions for all the nuances of these poses in such a slow and calm way. And I do appreciate any repetition of these. I am already using things I have learned from you in my practice ??

  2. So I admit I'm late to things. I started on Jan 17th and I'm on day 4 here. I skim the videos beforehand to see what I'm in for, and I see someone balancing on his hands? I thought this was geared for beginners, and here you are suggesting it nonchalantly like this is a thing beginners should be able to do? Dude, I'm so discouraged right now, why would you do that?

  3. Amazing as usual, Tim! Quick question: if I'm unable to do a deep squat without my heels leaving the ground, is it more important to always leave the heels grounded and only come down as far as possible, or to allow the heels to rise in order to squat as deeply as possible? Any other modifications you recommend? Thanks so much 🙂

  4. Thanks Tim for this fine workout. I have difficulties to find the right distance coming out of the planc position into downward facing dog en back. I Always have to replace my hands. Is there a way to find the right distance or is it ok to adjust if neccessary?

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