1. Panic attacks get so bad that I get severe back and chest pain, with heart racing to 140+bpm sometimes. Then I get dizzy and my arms go numb. Then I feel like I can't breathe. I like the hands on chest part… the weight is nice… and the breathing longer and longer… that is way better than constantly holding your fingers on your pulse and freaking out even more. Thanks!! Bookmarked. Subscribed!

  2. I'm so glad that she mentioned not to wait till the last minute, until you are under severe depression or ave severe anxiety attacks to do something about it. That was my mistake back in two thousand and thirteen

  3. I just wanted to say thank you for having this session available. I have always been a believer in the power of yoga, but had stopped my practice when I had a terrible reaction to flouroquinalone antibiotics a little over a month ago that made my tendons tight, and made me scared to stretch in fear of having a rupture. Yesterday I had a total mental meltdown and vowed that I would take action in achieving mental wellness again. This video could not have been a better way to ease me back into my practice, and start my road to recovery. So grateful.

  4. Thank you so much for this video. This was my second time to watch it and go through all the poses. I was so surprised at the emotional releases I had, first during the pose laying face down, but especially during the last pose with towels under my back. I didn’t really understand why I was crying so much but I just let it flow. Thank you again!

  5. awesome, it helped so much. I was diagnosed with generalized anxiety several years ago. started yoga 6 years ago, it helped so much. I then let myself get to busy and the anxiety came back. I now plan to make it a part of my everyday life again.

  6. Dear when i do breathing exercise after that i feel weakness less energy and i feel that iam dying but after some minutes when i keep regular breathing instead of deep breathing i feel well plz ans me

  7. I like your guided meditation series it helps me sleep at night, i do it every evening before bedtime. However that lay flat on your chest pose was impossible my bust hurts so i remain on my back. Thanks keep it up. ✌️

  8. I enjoy your video’s, I cannot sit my hips on my heels, could you recommend another move that I can do? I have tried to push pass the discomfort, but I still can’t get that far down.

  9. Very helpful video. Thank you so much for posting this. I have anxiety, depression and panic attacks and yoga seems to be the only natural remedy that helps keeps them at bay. This particular video helped alleviate a pretty intense day. Thanks again.

  10. I wanted to like this, but counting my breaths makes me anxious! Which makes it difficult to do this (and many guided meditations as well). Visualization with deep, slow breathing works for me.

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