1. 1st I didn't subscribed your channel.
    2nd whenever i do this with any channel i try to promote on every platform to increase their subscribers.
    3rd. I watched all ads before your videos so that….. You know what i mean.
    Last, i wish i get girl like you. My sister told me tald people from Finland are so arrogant and confident to their own society for marriage and everything. They kind of feel superior among rest of the world. Your husband is so lucky to find you and finally you guys are together. You teach me how live a healthy lifestyle. Never expected from outsider to teach me the benifits of Yogo.
    At end, will watch your videos whenever you post including ads so i can contribute little in your joy as well as mine.
    Your husband is so lucky. Please tell this to him.
    Love you and ava. Never leave them.
    God bless you. ??♥️

  2. Yoga is an advanced science to activate all the 7 chakras in the human spine – to reach higher levels of consciousness.

    Out of 200 yoga sutras by patanjali , one talks about asanas.

    Indians , they don’t even have a clue about it , although it originated there.

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