The idea is that we are coming into harmony with our true self. Not muscling our way to try to look like someone else!

    Harmonizing with your true self is a practice.

    How you deal with the things that push you, challenge you and throw you off balance – is the yoga.

    How you handle “things” is a great reflection of your true self.

    How do you want to be?

    How do you want to exist in this world?

    **The world needs us strong and in harmony with our true self. **

    This global party is just getting started. Tomorrow is another restful day so do your best today and commit!

  2. Ive been meaning to drop you a thank you for all your time and effort in helping people get stronger both mentally and physically. And so I say thank you, so very much. And I heard an airplane flying over head, a sizzle from one of my candles, and one of my four cats going potty in the bathroom! Namaste!

  3. I'm a straggler! I started the program, then left town for a bit, and now I'm back. I had my 60th birthday in January and needed something to help me feel strong and fit. THANK YOU so much for doing what you do! You're truly awesome Adriene!

  4. Thank you so much. Amazing as always. Today I heard an airplane. Earlier, I heard two red-tailed hawks. Thank you for this strength and harmony practice. I used to compete in Crossfit, and I thought it was always about the struggle and pushing through. This softness is something I need in so many areas of my life.

  5. I feel no shame being a guy and watching your videos every morning. You make me laugh every day. Only problem I had with this video was you’re singing the lyrics wrong to bone thugs! Made me laugh though

  6. OMG now wishing I had done cardio yesterday but you guessed it… I increased my weight and reps at the gym! all my muscles were asking me REALLY ARE YOU SERIOUS???? We are strong I kept telling them and powered through. Love goddess pose a fav of mine 🙂 great strength series Adriene <3 <3 <3

  7. hi there Adriene and Benji! I follow the program a little bit slowly than the rhythm you do but I stick with it (this is the most important). This Day 13 was a good session as always. I felt strong maybe because I did previously the 30 days of Yoga and I use to do some sessions from your different programmes when I need some exercises. Thank you Adriene for your generosity ( I bought last year the 30 days to give my contribution and to have always you with me even when I don't have internet, so I don't have any excuse!) and you both are part of my life. (by the way Benji is an amazing yoga teacher). Lots of love from London

  8. Woah! I feel good do n do n do n do!! That was a workout! Loving it 🙂 Thanks Adriene you star you 🙂 I could hear my doTerra diffuser trickling away…ah, life is good.

  9. Adriene this was the most challenging workout till now for me. But so proud that I completed it! Thank you so much for all the efforts that you put in each and every video of yours! 🙂

  10. Today was especially great! I started late but that's okay. ♡♡ Your reminder about the strong person inside brought tears to my eyes, I didn't realize I needed that reminder. This journey is really working for me, I'm feeling more and more like myself! Thanks so much, Namaste.
    Also, I heard my dog trying to sneak into my yoga studio (aka the guest room) during this practice. This was the only dog hair free room of the house. Oh well! ?

  11. I am so grateful for these practices, thank you for making them so accessible! I came straight from Revolution to True, so I guess I have been practicing everyday for about 45 days now, my body and mind feel and look so different. I appreciate how you refer to the breath as the spirit, in astrology it is known that the soul goes through 7 stages (planets) before it reaches the earth, and when it crosses the moon, it is given the breath of life, and a new path begins.
    Grateful for having crossed paths with your videos.

    Your astrobuddy.

  12. I am dead!! Love your singing Adriene, comforts me so much and helps me not to give up!! Day 13 is done and I am excited for Day 14 already-even though that Goddess murdered my legs xx

  13. I heard some laughing out in the sitting room while I sweated away! Great practice! The one thing I felt that was particularly hard was the wide stance forward fold. I' not sure if it was that I didn't have my legs wide enough (I felt that I did), but I could not keep my legs straight without the backs of my knees REALLY hurting. I bent my knees slightly, not wanting to hurt myself, but I am wondering how to improve on this… has anyone else found this problem? and if so, will it always be something with my knees or can it be solved bit by bit?

  14. I heard my furnace turn on. My house is in a rural place so I almost never hear other people. Thank you for the wonderful practices, the keep my back strong and pain free through many hours of studying hard.

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