1. I really needed some tunes that would stimulate that euphoria of happiness without the worry of toxic people bringing me down man! LOL. Thanks for the beats. 🙂

  2. Omg I was too much depressed, angry, rancor, cried, hurting and stress!! Everything come to my mind at the same time!! And this music is really amazing and it works for me. It makes me feel positive, I feel more relax, and calm now…. no more angry no more rancor nor depressed! I start to apologize to ppl I've made mistakes to them and forgiving people who did wrong to me. Thx for this best music…

  3. im really depressed because i have eczema.the first 2-4 months i had it i wasnt really worried but it became worst. my skin got hard and red my skin started peeling.i couldnt stretch my arms anymore because it would hurt. yes i try alot of diffrent ointment and lotions sadly none work . i have thought about suicide? im to the point where i cant take this anymore. i cant go outside with shorts anymore ? im so done

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