1. Hey now. I really enjoyed that! Those Froggers…all 500 of them where great. That is an underused pose in yoga. There is so much going on with core , legs, glutes, arms, everything…all of the bodies is really working. The lunge to Warrior 3s are always a favorite. I have to tell you Sean, these last months of doing those chataranga push-up holds have upped my game a whole heck of a lot! My husband got home from getting his haircut and took a Grandma…great-grandma strength pose photo just to show how strong the old lady really is. What you do gives everyone…Sean…the ability to live a fit, healthy, happy life…secure in the fact that you are doing everything you can to live well! Thank you my dear friend. Forgive the blur in the pic…I edited it out as far as I could. Mr. Miller's hands are not as steady as they once were. He is 83 now and is also a fitness and plant based diet aficionado…He just has a little glitz in the hands. Love and namaste to you, xo ever, L

  2. Sean Hi!! I workout regularly for the last three years, and I've been toning and stretching along with your videos for a month or two now, but with college coming up, and everything leading up to that I haven't had time to workout or stretch or anything. Now it's been almost a month and my mid back hurts and my knees sometimes feel like they want to lock? I'm 20 years old, healthy and love working out, is it my body craving to stretch again?

  3. Thanks Sean for opening the vault.  This workout was a great variation on some other yoga I have done. I liked it because it was a super core workout and because you included the lotus at the end. Only just mastered lotus earlier this year and now it is not something you do every day. So cool that that was in there. Its fun to work out with you. love all your quotes. Choice of music at the gym sounds awesome as well. nothing like a bit of offspring to move a workout along. Cheers Kate

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