1. Bipasha, thank you for your great dance work out. It gave me great inspiration every morning before going to work I am actually doing the work and am more energized,clear thinking,ready for work with better attitudes. Lost 12 lbs since last August of 2017. YAY. WOWS.

  2. Thank you for this workout, this is a LOT of fun! This is impossible to keep up with if you're a beginner, but I've been doing aerobics for 3 years, so it was a nice challenge. The moves aren't difficult, but it's really fast! Also, the Bollywood touch was great.

  3. Doing this for 3 months, alongside with other workouts from Jordan Yeoh home workouts and keaira lashae dance workouts with strict diet, i have lose from 70kg to 65kg. My chest and arm is slimmer. Only my belly fats wont go away. I have to do this for another 2 months and see if my belly fats completely gone

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