1. Exercise (cycling) has been so important in my recovery from severe anxiety. I find it the single best way for me to get some headspace. The other thing I do is listen to audio relaxation. A few months ago I started creating my own recordings. I made them for myself but am happy to share

  2. Thank you Sarah Beth – this was so amazing…I finally learning to connect mind and body and not just do yoga for exercise. It's so powerful. Do you have any suggestions for more of your videos that do more grounding and mindfulness? Thank you.

  3. Hi Sarah, I am enjoying very much watching your videos from Germany! You have so many diverse classes, I was thinking if anybody knows also some "Yoga" posture to help relaxing the jaw it would be Sarah Beth! I am grinding my teeth, especially at night, and the neck & shoulders streches already help me a lot, but maybe there is something even more specific for this kind of problem. Maybe an inspiration for future session? Looking forward to your next videos. All the Best!!!

  4. Holy cow woman….how you have grown…..i downloaded your bedtime yoga routine about 5 years ago and it has been a part of my nightly routine …. However it has been that long since I checked out your channel….shame on me….in a weird freakish way I'm so proud of you.

  5. Hi! I really love your videos and been following you for about a year and half. Your quick videos have helped me before, during and after preganancy. Thank you for continuing to share. ? I also love that when you go abit off balance, shows the viewers are also still human… lol…. I love that you don't edit those out. Continue what you do.

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