1. Okay guys, I'm gonna try this until It works.
    I'll be leaving a little more detailed routine and thoughts than the other ones.
    I'll be making these stretches twice a day!

    Day 1:
    So I just got done with my first day of trying this, and it was hard.
    They made it look like, it would be easy, but honestly I was a big mess. I couldn't even get close to their positions, and it took some of my motivation (I'll still try tho) Now my legs hurt a little bit, but I'm sure it's fine.

    Day 2:
    Forgot to do it.. (My bad)

    So I still got some issues making the stretches, but it already got a lot better! I can reach way lover, and my legs don't hurt as much after a stretch, which is good.

    Day 3:
    Today I woke up and felt very good. I started my day by eating some breakfast and then doing these stretches. I still have a hard time doing them.. :/ But everything is a lot better than the first time I did it.

    I wanted to do it this evening, but I could feel my legs hurt, so I though it'll be better to give them some rest for the day, so they can recover. I wouldn't want to get injuries. I also think, I might have to wait to do it twice a day, until my legs are used to these stretches.

  2. Helo everyone at first I was like ouch ouch my bottom part of my leg hurts!!! Then I was like maybe not do this one and do the next one I also was struggling

    Then I did this Continously as I saw a comment saying
    I did it in 12 days

    So I tried to accomplish 12 days
    Then I was like hmm my under is touching the floor a little
    On the 15 th day I did it in school
    I didn't even know I could
    My friend was like Hey do the splits
    Me : ok
    Girls :OMGGG
    Me in my heart I said wow I didn't know I could!! Thanks

  3. Alright. She makes this looks easy but i'm gonna try, and keep you updated, because i know alot of other people don't.
    I'm just gonna edit this comment every day, or other day.
    Day 1: The first one hurts like hell. But i'm focused on my goal to be able to do this. I feel like it tickles in my legs after doing this, but i'm not gonna push myself, as you should never do that.

  4. Thanks that helped and I'm gonna be watching this everyday since I'm starting gymnastics and this is gonna help me I bet I'll get it by the end of the week like if you agree

  5. I've been doing these stretches once a day for 5 days now and I can already touch my right knee with my nose and can almost do the split with my right foot in front of me. The first two days were frustating because it really hurt and I couldn't do the stretches right, but it gets better on the third day, I promise! Don't give up guys!!!

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