1. Hi, wenn du anspruchsvolle deutschsprachige magst, dann besuch doch bitte auch meinen Kanal. Wenn dir gefällt, was du dort siehst und hörst, freue ich mich über dein Kommentar. Vielen Dank!
    Liebe Grüße, Sean

  2. i'm going to take you on a journey

    you're in a blank room with no sound you're mind creates a new sound with a new room, from that room you see a lantern and some snow moving from within the room, you approach it confused and notice a hermit standing behind the rooms walls you try to scream but the hermit points at your mouth and says "No need to cry out when you cannot be heard" you become confused and wonder should i scream or just ask why then the hermit says "a room without sound but has snow from within" more questions unfold and you feel lightheaded and begin to somehow feel sleepy.

    You awake once again but in a room with cherry blossom wallpaper walls you rub your eyes with confusion again and yet somehow feel at ease, a woman with a kabuki hairstyle with a pink robe with roses on it approaches you "so you are awake at long last" you ask "who are you" with a dazed expression, "I am the spirit of the winds" you laugh for a moment but the frown on the lady seems real enough to ask pardon for being rude at her traditions, she asks "Would you like some green tea" you reply "Uh… sure why not"

    a man walks into the room and stares into your soul, you somehow feel calm about being in a house you have never seen before, finally you relax and ask "Where am i" the spirit of the winds replies with "You are in The world of your Soul" you feel a little happy but then sad at the same time and yet a calm breeze comforts you even more, you ask "If i am within my soul where is my body" the strange man tries to talk but the woman stops him from speaking you wonder why but the spirit of the winds stares at you with the look of a woman who wants to keep a secret.

    Finally she replies "This man is the one who found you" you suddenly remember the hermit as if he wanted you to remember at this exact moment, the man finally gets to say something "I am the Spirit Of Tranquility" you wonder why two spirits are visible to you're eyes and how they are able to make any sounds within your soul, the spirit of the winds asks "Is everything alright" you reply "I'm sorry i have never visited my inner soul before, but how did i get here exactly i mean i saw the hermit next to a…" Now now says the lady of the winds "You don't want to strain you're mind trying to figure out Why or How you are here"

    the spirit of the tranquility says "Have you ever heard of the land of paradise?" you reply "Yes but only little, some call it a world of beauty and peace without war or hatred" the man laughs for a moment and then relaxes "That is half of the truth actually, the world of paradise is where you go when you fall asleep and only occurs once every 30 years in a humans lifespan" you're eyes widen and bloom with beauty "Wait if everyone has this vision every 30 years then what happens to the body?" the spirit of the winds replies "your body will be where it was when you last fell asleep, similar to a dream only this one can be as real as you want it to be"

    the spirit of the winds and the spirit of tranquility lead you outside, The garden is beautiful the sea is calm and the air smells like roses and cherry blossoms, there's no rain but only light pink skies and very few clouds, the sun is nearly setting and as it goes down you feel amazed as to what a world inside your inner soul would look like.

    "Tell me what the purpose of your existence is" you ask the two spirits "We are here to ease and awaken new talents to the soul who has entered this plain of existence" the two spirits say in unison, you ask with relief "Is there any others who travel every 30 years?…" the spirits reply "Yes" you feel comforted by their kind words and how it makes you feel warm.

    you hear a cry in the distance "Hey…..over……for a…." the voice becomes more clearer as you walk over to it "Hey come over here for a moment!" suddenly you see a spa run by a strange woman with a white robe on with the drawings of a wolf and a half crescent moon, you ask "Who are you?…" the woman replies "I am the spirit of Harmony" you talk to yourself about the spirits you've met so far "So the spirit of the winds where's a pink robe with roses, the spirit of tranquility where's?… wait i never saw what he was wearing!?" the spirit of harmony asks "are you alright?" you blush and reply "Oh um yes i uh i think i'ma go back this way heh" you run back to the two spirits from before but find no one there.

    "Hello! Tranquility! Winds! is anyone here!" you shout the spirits names but no one replies, you run back to the young woman who runs the spar only to discover she has Disappeared too! you shout with tremendous power nearly shattering your voice completely "IS ANYONE ELSE HERE!!!!!" Suddenly a voice replies "Wake up" you stop and wonder "Who would say that when i am inside my own spirit" the voice becomes louder "WAKE UP!" you recognize the voice but not enough to wake up.

    Suddenly you feel tired and fall asleep once more, you awaken in your room with your family crying with joy and a doctor hovering over you with a monocle, you ask in confusion "Wha…What's going on?…" the doctor replies "You're family have been trying to contact you for nearly three weeks" you feel stunned to have slept for so long and yet feel like only 3 minutes flew by in the world you experienced, your family replies "We thought you were dead and had gone to a different world!" you reply quite cheerfully "I guess you could say i sort of Found my true self in a way?…"

    The Zen is a place of peace, harmony,tranquility and wind, remember this when you visit after 30 years, you will be in the same world only you will know what to do

    1st time confusion
    2nd time remembrance
    3rd time ease
    4th time Paradise

  3. Today, I tried this for the first time as background music for writing, and found I was more productive & creative today than i've been in years. Thank you for this music!  More people should try this, 

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